
Description de l’annonce Зміст оголошення

Good afternoon!
I am looking for a new career opportunity and would appreciate your support. I come from the Ukraine. At the moment I live in France, the city of Bordeaux. I know English, Russian and Ukrainian languages.
Thank you for your time and consideration. I am looking forward to learning more about the job position. Please give me a call at the number (+380957977573) above to schedule an interview at your convenience.
Looking forward to hearing from you,
Best regards,

N° annonce : 937623c4755e72ad

24 mars 2022 2:34 pm

Cette annonce a expiré

Informations supplémentaires Додаткова інформація

Prénom/ Ім'яAnastasiia
Adresse électronique/адреса електронної пошти
Numéro de téléphone/Ваш номер телефону+380957977573
Poste(s) recherché(s) Pобота або посада, яку ви шукаєтеRessources humaines Людські ресурси, Informatique et Internet ІТ та Інтернет
Vos disponibilités ваша доступністьBORDEAUX
Région РегіонAquitaine

Vos expériences Досвід роботи

4.Customer Care Specialist
Dec. 2021 - present - 4 months
Taking care of customers and maintaining constant contact with them. Interaction with related departments. Receive and process incoming user requests. Receive feedback from customers and pass information to application developers to improve the quality of the application. Collection and maintenance of statistics on feedback from customers.
3. Account Manager
Jul 2020 - Dec 2021 - 1 year 6 months
Providing services of the company, communication with clients, the appointment of checks on real estate all over Ukraine.
2. Account manager
Oct. 2018 - Jul 2019 - 10 months
Providing services of the company, communication with clients, appointment of real estate inspections all over Ukraine.
1. Administrator
Reikartz Hotel Group – Ukrainian National Hotel Chain
Dec. 2017 - Aug. 2018 - 9 months
List of standard services with reservations and provision of rooms, work with documentation.