
Description de l’annonce Зміст оголошення

Good afternoon!
I am looking for a new career opportunity and would appreciate your support. I come from the Ukraine. At the moment I live in France, the city of Caen. I know English, Russian and Ukrainian languages.
Thank you for your time and consideration. I am looking forward to learning more about the job position. Please give me a call at the number – (+33617639744) or write me text on WhatsApp (+380501011927)
My profile in Linkedin –
Looking forward to hearing from you,
Best regards,

N° annonce : 4256259787ccdda3

20 avril 2022 8:27 am

Cette annonce a expiré

Informations supplémentaires Додаткова інформація

Prénom/ Ім'яAdriana
Adresse électronique/адреса електронної пошти
Numéro de téléphone/Ваш номер телефону+33617639744
Poste(s) recherché(s) Pобота або посада, яку ви шукаєтеSécurité Безпека, Métiers de la Santé Професії охорони здоров’я, Ressources humaines Людські ресурси, Informatique et Internet ІТ та Інтернет, Marketing Маркетинг, Travail administratif Адміністративна робота

Vos expériences Досвід роботи

Deputy operations director
April, 2019 – current, BIOSOL UKRAINE LLC

Launch new products & cooperation’s schemes - 2 global foreign
contracts signed and received the status of an exclusive
representative office in Ukraine
Develop partner network - over 100 local partner contracts signed
Introducing of new projects & planning their management -
management of 10 projects worth more than 500 000 euros
Finding of new customers

Head of Department for Medical Services
December, 2011 – March,2019
SOS Service Ukraine LLC

Supervision of the Medical Services Department Activities: Medical
institutions network development - over 1200 medical institutions;
Control over call-center operations - stuff 30 persons in the office
and 10 remoute;
Management of loss settlement division - stuff 5 persons
Develop new direction - opened Department for the travellers
abroad with a total of more than 10 staff and freelancers

Head of Loss Settlement Section
October, 2009 – December,2011
SOS Service Ukraine LLC

Control over timely processing of payment documentation.
Building work between medical assistance and insurance

Account Manager
June, 2009 – September, 2009

Private clinic, Kyiv, Ukraine
Support of corporate clients on medical i